Dr. 索菲娅冰镇

碧娜,博士. 索菲娅
标题: 教授
部门: 物理 & 自然科学

关于博士. 索菲娅冰镇

研究所:  健康 & 生物科学


PhD | Our Lady of the Lake University


Students with interest in health related careers.


Over 20 years experience working at UT 健康 圣安东尼奥 in research, teaching and administration.


 I am a native of 圣安东尼奥 and attended Providence High School and Our Lady of the Lake University. I earned my PhD in Microbiology and loved it. I served as the Assistant Dean at the Graduate School at UT 健康 and the Associate Dean for Students Affairs at UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine. I am now doing what I love most and that is, helping to educate students with an interest to help others through science and medicine.

Outside of working at NVC, I enjoy spending time with my family. I have been married over 30 years, and have 3 kids and 1 grandbaby. My kids are 27, 25 and 21. I am a volunteer at my church and also enjoy traveling and baking.