无线网络(wi - fi)


wi - fi常见问题


“wifi”一词通常与无线互联网连接在一起使用. 换句话说, 它是一种不使用电缆或电线就能接入互联网或网络的方式, 允许真正的移动技术. Wireless connectivity makes it easy for students and employees with laptops or other mobile devices to move around college campus with ease while staying connected to the network.


802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g - 802.11 is a number that is used to refer to the widely accepted specifications that were developed for wireless networking. 这些规范由IEEE制定, 致力于计算机和电子工业的专业组织. 附加的a、b或g表示802的方差.11规范. 圣安东尼奥学院无线网络支持,b, g, n和ac方差.


此外还有无线兼容设备, 比如笔记本电脑, 平板电脑或智能手机, 你需要802.11a, 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n或802.11ac compatible Wireless Network Interface Card (Wireless NIC) installed and functioning properly in your wireless compatible device.


Wireless access point is a small dedicated hardware device with a built-in network adapter, 天线, 无线电发射机, 和接收方. Access points act as the central transmitter 和接收方 of wireless network radio signals. 在圣安东尼奥学院, there are more than 250 access points available to provide network connection to wireless users.


无线热点可在几个室内和室外的学院地点. Select the Wi-Fi coverage map link on this web page to see a list of available Wi-Fi access locations.


我们的无线网用的是802.11ac,支持高达500mbps. On average the connection speed is 50 to 60 mbps depending on capabilities of wireless card.


AlamoNet Wi-Fi service is a secure wireless choice available for 阿拉莫大学 employees. Your username and password and all data transmitted from your device to the wireless access point are encrypted. AlamoGuest是为Alamo学院的学生和游客提供的. AlamoGuest is an open, unencrypted network and does not require a username or password. You can access AlamoGuest, if you need access to college resources like email or ACES.

Is the access performance the same on the wireless network as it is on the wired network?

你可以从任何Wi-Fi(802)连接.11a/g/n/ac)设备(笔记本电脑,平板电脑或智能手机). The wired connection will always be faster and less susceptible to outside interference than a wireless connection.

Can I sign in with more than one Wi-Fi enabled device at a time, such as my laptop and phone?



The instructions under 安装指南 outline the general procedure for connecting to the Wireless Network. If the instructions do not work for you, please contact our college Helpdesk at 210-486-4777.

使用我们学院的无线网络要收费吗 ?

There is no cost associated with connecting to 西北维斯塔学院 wireless hotspots. 访问是提供给所有的澳门新葡京博彩的学生,教师和工作人员.


The wireless network is available 24 hours a day throughout the year except during periods of scheduled maintenance or any unforeseen network or electrical problems. 停机时间将提前在系统警报主页上发布广告.


并不是西北维斯塔大学校园的每个区域都有无线网络. 访问学院Wi-Fi地图查看Wi-Fi热点位置列表.


电子产品,比如微波炉, 收音机, and game console controllers or thick concrete walls can interfere with Wi-Fi signal. If your signal is consistently poor or you cannot get signal, contact us sac-helpdesk@alamo.Edu或澳门新葡京博彩210-486-4777


如果您遇到与无线网络有关的连接问题, 您可以拨打210-486-4777向我们的学院服务台报告或发送电子邮件至 nvc-helpdesk@litpliant.net. 您也可以到MZH-106或RLC-108进行技术支持协助.


对新的无线位置或服务扩展的请求通过 的足迹. 一旦我们收到这个请求,一个信息 & Communication Technology specialist will contact you to confirm details for this request. For special events that require wireless connectivity, consult with one of our Information & 通信技术专家.


802.11 a/b/g/n/ac - IEEE无线定义标准. 1.每秒3千兆比特(Gbps)是最新的速度,最常被引用的是802.11交流标准. 这比802上引用的每秒450Mbit的速度要快得多.11 n标准.

可接受使用政策- Definition of what a user can and cannot do when using 澳门新葡京博彩区 Information Technology resources.

ALAMO_Guest - Guest wireless Access allow students and visitors to connect to the Internet at 西北维斯塔学院 campus.

ALAMONet Wireless network available to 西北维斯塔学院 employees which authorizes access to the Internet and 澳门新葡京博彩区 network resources.

带宽, The maximum amount of information that can be transferred over a network in a given amount of time.

接入点- 也可以称为无线路由器, an access point is the location of a wireless receiver that enables a user with wireless access to connect to a network or the Internet.

wi - fi - “无线保真”的缩写. A short-range wireless technology that allows devices to connect to and transfer information wirelessly over a local area network.


西北维斯塔学院大约有 150 可用的无线接入点.

每个接入点的无线覆盖范围大致为 150 脚.

圣安东尼奥无线网络拥有高速和支持a 5 ghz 频率范围.